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Welcome Josh and Joseph to the LHRD Team

Lead Program Updates

Happy 2017! The Manchester LHRD program has been steadily working through applications to our program. There is a bid walk scheduled for Thursday, February 9th; if you are a new lead abatement contractor who is interested in attending the bid walk, please submit a pre-qualification application to the program. Contractors must have current state certification and provide application materials prior to attending program bid walks.

We have said good-bye to Haley, who has moved out of state with her husband, and will be missed by everyone in Planning. We wish her well in her new adventures.

Replacing Haley as the Lead Program Intake Coordinator is Joshua Ahmad-Kahloon. If you are looking to apply for funds for lead abatement work, please do reach out to Josh with any questions you may have about our application process. He can be reached at 603-792-6726 , or by email at leadprogram@manchesternh.gov .

We are also welcoming our new student intern Joseph Silcox to the program this semester. Joseph is a senior at St. Anselm studying Sociology, and he will be working on a program evalution project.

We had a number of applications for our internship program, and we hope to invite additional interns to the program in the future. Please do inquire in April 2017 about future opportunities.

New England winters can be tough, and can slow down construction work. However, Spring will be here before we know it. The program is still running ahead of schedule, so please don't wait to apply - if you'd like to be considered for a construction start date between March and June of 2017, we recommend you get us your program application by the end of February. As always, if you have a property where children under the age of six live, or which is under a state lead order, the program can prioritize your application.